Sonntag, 2. September 2012

Day 3: On coffee and dinosaurs

Pat and Federbär looking at the view
So far we've been walking pretty much everywhere, so we've been getting a good look around the area which we're staying in and the surrounds, on a whim we walked up a hill and found a nice park with a view over the city and grass which would be described in australia as 'impossibly green'.


We still haven't found anywhere with good coffee yet and Pat is looking forward to Monday so he can make his own coffee at work. Above is what a cappuccino looks like and Pat pretending to be enjoying his coffee.


On the other hand, the food in general has been really good. And ordering a hot chocolates brings you a mug of steamed milk and a packet, it works pretty well - you can make it to whatever strength you like, only I spilled the powder everywhere. oops...

There's this pretty river/canal that runs through part of the town, where the water is extremely clear (it comes straight from the lake) and you can see fish swimming around in it. It has a path that runs alongside it until it joins a much larger muddier river, and further upstream there's walls built around parts of it for a Flussbad (river bath).

In the Hauptbahnhof (main train station) we heard a band playing so we went to investigate and next to the band was a very large box labelled "Lebende Tiere" (live animals) with a chain wrapped around it. So we waited around for a bit as the crowd grew and then with much fanfare and smoke and green light, the box opened and out came this dinosaur!

We still have no idea what this event was for, perhaps there's a dinosaur exhibit on at a local museum, there wasn't any sign or announcement that we saw.

And lastly, we had to go back to the Sprüngli store to get some more Luxemburgli, here is Federbär enjoying them back at the apartment.

2 Kommentare:

  1. LOL - I shall have to brush up on my (Swiss?) German.... We were there in three years ago and yes, one of my main memories was of impossibly green hills and fields all around. We took a ?trolley? bus up to the top of a hill and walked around in the Green - it was all around us!

    1. Yep! We had the same experience recently walking down Uetliberg (more pictures coming). I guess this is what trees can do with plenty of water! Pat is looking forward to when everything is white instead. :)
