Here's a bunch of photos I've taken around Zürich which didn't seem to fit into any cohesive story or statement. Also, a lot of them the most interesting thing in the photo is some kind of vine, what can I say? I like vines. :)
You wouldn't guess this is practically in the city, and it's 3min walk from our new place! |
The same building a little closer, it's apparently an art museum, but we haven't been inside yet. |
Vines.... |
More (and prettier) vines. |
Two headless women and one headless man, it's also one the many drinking water fountains around Zürich. |
Vines on a bridge! |
Vines on a street lamp! |
Swan |
A clock made of plants, and it actually tells the correct time (how could it not?) |
Found this out the back of a local church, no idea what these stairs are meant to be for... or why they go nowhere... |
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