There is a small hill near the middle of the really old old-town in Zurich, called Lindenof hill, which has a nice view over the main northern exit to the lake, but also has an amazingly impressive history - ranging from BC bronze-age settlements, and including substantial Roman, Celtic and Middle-age ruins. Recently, Federbär decided to take us there to see the sites, and explore the slightly more northern section of town.
This is also the site for the vines-on-a-bridge, vines-on-a-lamp and headless trio from the previous post - and as you can see from the skies, it was a wonderful day to explore. What is more, as seen below, Federbär managed to find some locals playing chess (including, I kid you not, an older gruff looking man with a suit and pipe).
Federbär's analysis: win to black? |
After Lindenhof, we headed east across the water to the old town area where Katie had stayed on her first visit, and then up the hill to the university ETH Zurich - one of the top ranked Unis in the world, and which counts Einstein and John Von Neumann among its Alumni! Students certainly seemed to have some great views out the front of the main building, and I'm sure the classes inside are equally as impressive. I decided to take this opportunity to test making videos with the miniature setting of mine phone too, resulting in:
One of the university buildings |